Thursday, February 24, 2011

Review of Koi ni Ochitara Ep 5

Ep 5: Hills no Daigyakuten (The big twist on the Hills)
O.A. 12 May 05
Ratings: 16.8%

The problem for this episode is not really exciting but what makes me hyped up is seeing how Takayanagi get frustrated at his people turning against him one by one as if this is proof that his way of doing things is wrong.

In the beginning scene, Shimao goes to dinner with his colleagues at a high class restaurant and makes a fool of himself. You should have seen how funny he was when he gobbled up the food before the waiter even poured the sauce for him, lifted his glass for the waiter to pour the wine even though he shouldn't do so and dragged the tablecloth, causing the plates to crash to the floor when he wanted to pick up his napkin. Due to this, Shimao feels down at the gap between he and his colleagues but Kaori consoles him. They even go back to Shimao's home to have sashimi from Ryuta's shop.

Forgive me for saying this but I really think it is an eyesore to see Kusanagi and Matsushita Nao together. I know she's wearing flat shoes but she's still taller than Kusanagi by at least half a head's length. It's really uncomfortable to see that combination just like putting Koyuki and Kimura Takuya together.

Anyway, Takayanagi came to know about Shimao and Kaori being on good terms but from his expression, it's not clear whether he's jealous or just plain unhappy over their relationship. I really doubt that Takayanagi feels anything for Kaori since he's also involved with the other secretary, Fujii but it's probably a mentality like "i just don't want to let someone fight with me over something" even though he takes Kaori for granted.

Takayanagi brings Kamiya to a company Air Dream to talk about business plans. Since it's a major project and Takayanagi gave Kamiya the chance to do it, he gets carried away and talks about it so loudly at the bar Frontier staff frequent that the papers report the news of the joint venture. As such, Air Dream decides to cancel the deal due to the breach of confidentiality.

Kamiya sees no hope in salvaging the situation but Shimao refuses to give up and drags him to wait for the president of Air Dream at the resort and try to solve the problem. However, the president refuses to see them. Kamiya tries to bribe the elderly housekeeper with money so as to see the president but she rejects him outright. After waiting for 3 days, they are still unable to meet the president and has to go back to Tokyo. Shimao and Kamiya tells the housekeeper to relay the message that they were here just to apologise for what happened.

Takayanagi chides Shimao and Kamiya for achieving nothing and wasting a few days just to wait for Air Dream's president. He also directs criticism at Shimao as if anxious to prove that Shimao is wrong. However, Kamiya rebukes Takayanagi even though he is the one who had all along disliked Shimao and treated Takayanagi like his benefactor.

In actual fact, the president of the company is the housekeeper whom Shimao and Kamiya had met. Being touched by their sincerity and patience, she decides to go ahead with the project with Frontier. Even though the deal is still intact, Takayanagi is furious about the fact that Shimao has proved him wrong once again and his eyes are seething with rage and indignance...

Seems like Takayanagi is going to make life more difficult for Shimao now that his most loyal aide, Kamiya is also defending Shimao's way of doing things...

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